September 27, 2018
Scandinavian Cultural Center of the Anderson University Center.

This conference focuses on “Black Bodies and the Justice of God” in the Lutheran tradition, in art, theology, ethics and literature. The conference also draws connection to the book Between the World and Me by Ta Nehisi Coates, a book that all first-year PLU students have read for the incoming classes of 2017 and 2018. The conference features an incredible line up of leading theologians and we encourage you and your congregations or colleagues to read their works prior to the conference.

Speakers include Lutheran womanist theologian and ethicist Rev. Dr. Beverly Wallace (Shaw University Divinity School), as well as nationally respected theologian and Bonhoeffer scholar Dr. Reggie Williams (McCormick Theological Seminary).

The conference is free and open to the public and is made possible by the generosity of the anonymous donors who endowed the University Chair in Lutheran Studies.

Visit https://www.plu.edu/lutheran-studies-conference/ or click HERE for more information